“Medieval musicians Rozengrāls”

As a musical souvenir a disk of medieval music performed by the group “Medieval musicians Rozengrals” is available.

1. Quando el rev Nimrod Spānija trad.Setardu 4:01
2. Los set gotxs Spānija Libre Vermell de Montserrat 3:56
3. Trotto Itālija anon. 2:17
4. Branle des Chaevaux Francija pēc Thoinot Arbeau 2:17
5. Ai bist lo lop Francija trad. Provansiešu 2:29
6. Cuncti simus concanentes Spānija Libre Vermell de Montserrat 2:12
7. Amoroso Itālija Giovanni Ambrosio 2:55
8. Eri sazun pēc F. Wulit-Raben 1:51
9. Abrix mi galanica Spānija trad. Sefardu 3:26
10. Ductia #2 Itālija anon. 2:46
11. Saltarello #2 Itālija anon. 2:31
12. Era escuro como la media noche Spānija trad. Sefardu 3:21
13. Nevestinko Oro Maķedonija trad. 3:46
14. Eves Bergelvem Ungārija trad. 3:47
15. Branle Francija pēc Kloda Žervēra 1:55
16. Durme querido hijico Spānija trad. Sefardu 3:57
17. Lillybulero Īrija trad. 3:12

A remake of the ancient copper coin of the year 1293

During excavation of the wine cellar “Vinarium Civitatis Rigensis” an ancient matrix for stamping of coins was found. It was restored by specialists and now we can offer a remake of the ancient copper coin of the year 1293 in commemoration of visiting Riga and the restaurant “Rozengrals”.